I’m not a normal Consultant

I’m a Troublemaker

I am constantly looking for and trying to call out the patterns that hold us back as people, teams, organizations, and society. Patterns such as defaulting to hierarchy, secrecy, distrust, top down change, protecting ego, work performances and over centralization.  It can be uncomfortable and scary for both of us to see old practices in a new light, but it’s the right thing to do.

I’m a Nerd

I ‘nerd-out’ about neuroscience, the future of work, participatory change methods, positive psychology, power and empowerment, business history, design thinking, motivation, performance, human nature, learning, economics (behavioral and otherwise), agile, complexity theory, leadership, management.  With a holistic view of human beings and organizations I can see connections, opportunities, and solutions specialists can’t.

I’m Opinionated

Any organization aiming to ‘transform’ makes a critical choice about how and why to go about it when choosing a partner. I’m going to say the wisdom of the crowd is more important than the whims of one. I’ll say, Today is the day to practice extreme transparency. I’ll say genuine involvement, systemic change, and humility beat communication, training, and being right every time. I’ll say, “doing the right thing is never the wrong thing”

What I believe

  • All people are innately good, motivated, caring people, who all have the capacity to make decisions, work together, and find creative ways to serve something big.

    Many people are however trapped in situations which limit their potential.

    The Organizations which tap into this full potential will be unstoppable.

  • Organization design is the most powerful tool humans have ever invented.

    When used for good it has the potential to enable the best in humans and societies.

  • No one can tell you who to love, but when we make choices AS IF we love our mission, our teammates, and our customers, we can spread happiness, find inner peace, AND achieve breakthrough sustainable business performance.

  • The world is unpredictable and that is part of the fun. When we put less energy into trying control it (and others) and more into sensing what’s needed now, we can live and lead in reality.

  • Ego, a survival instinct, is an important and natural part of who we are. But ego run amok is toxic for organizations and threatens our very existence. Humility is the antidote for toxic ego.