WHen you treat everyone as leaders They become leaders

Let’s work together so you can engage your team(s), grow leaders, and achieve more than thought possible.

Engage everyone as leaders so you can…

  • Go Faster!!!

    Go fast by slowing down. Engage your team to clarify and align, so everyone can work better, together.

    Options include:

    How {Insert Org Here} Works

    Decide who decides

    What’s really going on here?

  • Sustain a differentiating culture

    Strong cultures enable your strategy, but they can’t be changed, only influenced by how the organization works, and how influential people behave.

    Options include:

    Honest Culture Canvas

    Systemic Gift Giving

  • Enable Powerful Decisions

    Efficiently and effectively involve more people so decisions are better informed, better understood and better executed.

    Options include:

    Integrate many perspectives into one proposal with Integrative Decision Making.

    Strengthen ownership, commitment and power with the 2 sides of the Empowerment Coin.

  • Focus Focus Focus

    Remove the stuff in your way, prioritize, and make your tradeoffs explicit.

    Workshops include:

    Helping everyone make executive level tradeoffs with Even Overs

    Removing Organizational Debt

    Meeting Bankruptcy

  • Work Together

    Make friends, define roles, and agree on how to coordinate to do amazing things

    Options Include:

    The many hats we wear - Roles and Responsibilities

    “I got it, you take it!” - clarifying decision rights.

  • Adapt faster than rivals

    Adaptation comes from sensing what is going on and have the space to do something about it.

    Options include:

    Team or Organization Retrospectives

    Involve everyone in strategy with a Seed Planting Event.

    Learn together with the Future of Work Truth or Dare Challenge

Do-It-Yourself or Facilitated options Available

In the meantime

Maximize your impact with two free tools to engage your team today!